IMG_5432The hair is continuing to grow out nicely. Relatively speaking it is growing out pretty fast, yet not fast enough when you miss your long hair. This week I truly felt like I had a few bad hair days. Sounds funny almost, but it was absolutely true! It’s not long enough to style and just long enough that my head looks like the tip of a q-tip. It’s a big fuzz ball! I do put gel in my hair which seems to help with the fuzziness and calm the little fly-aways. In the next few weeks, I should…hopefully be able to get a little style to it. I also decided in the next week I should get a little haircut. The hair is starting to grow around my ears neck.
For a ‘short’ work week, it felt like a long one. Definitely busy, definitely testing. The good news is there were some ups as well. Let’s start with the downs…1) got a flat tire 2) hit a bird! And 3) work was oh so stressful. Going through something like chemotherapy, really tests your patience. As I have mentioned before, cancer is a sickness that does not just go away in a few days or weeks. But with every extraordinary event in one’s life, many say that they come out learning lessons. Cancer and the battle helped me learn to keep my emotions in check. Having a bad day is ok, and is bound to happen here and there. Needing to vent or being stressed about that bad day, is also ok. The difference now is that it is limited. Dwelling is not an option, I need to let go of the bad…and it is time to move forward.
As for the good, I was able to run into a few friends that I have not seen in a while. Having the opportunity to reconnect with these people was…nice.  It was truly truly nice. Both were unexpected, and both were individuals that were some of my favorite people from my past.
With every bad there is a good. Nowadays, when I have a rough one, I remind myself that “it’s gonna be ok”. Simple but effective. The truth is, it IS going to be ok. The more I allow myself to dwell in the yuckiness that life can bring my way, the more I am wasting time. Time that can be spent smiling, laughing, being happy, and living healthily. This is now my practice. One day at a time.
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