Neuropathy is one of the common side effects of chemotherapy. Depending on your stage, you may have burning and tingling sensations, you may get discoloration and dryness, and in some bad cases finger nails unfortunately fall off. All this however is better than having cancer. That’s what my oncologist would say to me, and I have to agree. IMG_5132
These effects may or may not be permanent.With me, I got to stage 2. My finger tips were extremely numb and tingling. The palms of my hands also were numb feeling. It was pretty uncomfortable and frustrating when I tried to type…but I had to remind myself that, this is better than having cancer. Deep breath. Luckily the neuropathy never reach my feet. From what I was told, once it hits the feet you move into Stage 3 and there is more chance of the ‘pins and needles’ numbness will be permanent.
My fingertips also had discoloration. You will see this in the video below.
Watch my video to see my journey with neuropathy.